NEET UG Jharkhand: All the Information You Need


For admission to undergraduate medical and dentistry programs in India, there is a national entrance test called the National Eligibility cum Entrance Examination (NEET). Candidates may utilize their NEET score to apply for admission to medical and dental institutes all around the nation since NEET is a single-window test.


The Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB) oversees the NEET examination in Jharkhand. With the first shift beginning at 10:00 AM and the second shift beginning at 2:00 PM, the test is administered in two shifts. The test has a weighted grade of 750 and consists of 180 questions. Section I (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) and Section II (Zoology and Botany) each have a set of questions.


Depending on the candidate's category and the course they are seeking for, the NEET cutoff differs in Jharkhand. The cutoff for medical schools run by the government is often greater than the cutoff for those run by for-profit institutions. The following was the 2022 NEET UG Jharkhand cutoff:


Government-run medical schoolsIndependent Medical Schools

Category Government Medical Colleges Private Medical Colleges
General 600 500
OBC 550 450
SC 450 350
ST 400 300

The JCECEB oversees the Jharkhand NEET counseling procedure. The initial round and the mop-up round are the two stages of the counseling procedure. Based on their NEET scores and preferred institutions, applicants are assigned seats in the first round. After the first round, candidates are given the seats that remain open. This is known as the mop-up round.


The Jharkhand NEET counseling procedure is tough, thus it's critical for applicants to start preparing early. Studying NCERT textbooks, taking practice exams, and enrolling in coaching sessions are all ways that candidates may start getting ready for the NEET exam.


Here are some pointers for the Jharkhand NEET:


Early preparation is key.

Learn from the NCERT texts.

Attempt practice exams.

Go to coaching seminars.

Stay inspired.

Although the NEET UG Jharkhand test is difficult, with perseverance and hard effort, one may pass. You may improve your chances of being accepted into a medical or dentistry institution in Jharkhand by paying attention to these suggestions.


Additional Details


NEET UG Jharkhand's official website address is

Each year, the official announcement for NEET UG Jharkhand is often made in April or May.

The NEET UG Jharkhand application period typically runs from June to July of each year.

Every year in September, Jharkhand residents take the NEET test.

Every year, in October or November, Jharkhand participates in the NEET counseling procedure.

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